Friday, August 16, 2024

Dividends for Jul 2024 - Towards 5k a month

Here are my dividends for Jul 2024:

So I collected $3,617.16 in dividends for this month.
In case you are wondering, some stocks are repeated because I have 2 brokerage accounts.

Here are my monthly dividends over the last 6 years:

July is the month where things are starting to ramp up, with a peak harvest in August. 

Here are the dividends I collected every year until the current day


Interestingly, in 2 years, I have already surpassed my total yearly dividends in 2022. 

For the year 2024, my average monthly dividends per month is now $2,490.58. 

Here is the progress of my average monthly dividends over the years:


I plan to first receive $2500 (almost there!), then finally $5000 in dividends every month on average.

Additionally, I share the interest I received from the various banks for the deposits in this month:

So I collected $578.71 in interest payments this month. This is the largest interest I have received thus far. 

It was achieved with a bit of fine-tuning:




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