Friday, August 2, 2024

Wrapping up my 14th Month of Financial Independence

I just finished my 14th month of FI (Financial Independence) in July 2024.

Below is what I ate and did for fun, and a record of my expenses.


Been eating a lot of these home-cooked wraps with avocado. Yumz!

Mango dessert.

Home-cooked wrap with avocado again. 

Steak at Swenson's.

Home-cooked wrap with avocado and again.

Home-cooked wrap with avocado and again.

Home-cooked wrap with avocado and again.


Growing and eating my own food has always given me much joy. Somehow it just tastes nicer.

Nice cute flowers.


In terms of expenses, did well this month. CDC vouchers helped. 
Eating Out Target: $650
Eating Out Actual: $507.62 

Household Target: $600
Household Actual: $313.75

Travel Target: $100
Travel Actual: $0

Entertainment Target: $50
Entertainment Actual: $17.44 

Personal Target: $250
Personal Actual: $146

Onwards to the next month of FI!    

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