Saturday, June 24, 2017

Portfolio Allocation - Jun 2017

I have been reading "A random walk down wall street", and it is recommended that portfolio be as such for late thirties to early forties:

Stocks 65%(1/2 US, 1/4 developed international markets, 1/4 emerging international markets), Bonds 20%, Real estate 10% (REITs), Cash 5%

I decided to tweak this a bit to suit my taste:

Stocks + REITs 75%(3/6 or 36% Singapore, 1/6 or 13% US, 1/6 or 13% developed international markets, 1/6 or 13% emerging international markets), Bonds 20%, Cash 5%

Here's what I have so far:

Year Stocks + REITs - Singapore Stocks + REITs - US Stocks + REITs - Developed Stocks + REITs - Emerging Bonds Cash
2017 43% 3.23% 1.56% 1.54% 7.6% 42%

Overweight on Stocks + REITs - Singapore, and too much cash.

Will slowly tune this, and update every year in June.