Saturday, January 28, 2023

Robo-Revolution: A head-to-head comparison of the top Roboadvisors

To better understand the differences among the Roboadvisors, I decided to looker deeper at their investment strategies. 

Where available, I attach screenshots of where this information is available in the mobile/web app.

So I use 3 Roboadvisors:

  • Endowus - General Wealth Accumulation 80-20
  • Syfe Stockpile
  • Stashaway General Investing

Equity-Bond Allocation

Endowus - General Wealth Accumulation 80-20

Syfe Stockpile

Stashaway General Investing - It does not have equity-cash breakdown readily available.

Here are the pie charts of the equity-cash breakdown:

Asset Allocations

Endowus - General Wealth Accumulation 80-20

Syfe Stockpile

Stashaway General Investing - this provides the nicest visualization here. 

Here's all the Roboadvisors in one chart:

Interestingly, Syfe Stockpile has more US equities than International equities but it is the other way around for Stashaway. 

Geographical Allocations

Endowus General Wealth Accumulation 80-20

Syfe Stockpile - no readily available info or visualization

Stashway General Investing

Here are the pie charts of the geographical allocation breakdown:

Seems all 3 are concentrated in North America, Asia and Europe, in this order. 

If you are interested to try out these roboadvisors, feel free to use my referral codes below:

Endowus:   HDOJH

Syfe:           SRPSL4GWK

Friday, January 20, 2023

The Importance of Recharging: How Jacinda Ardern's Resignation Aligns with FIRE

FIRE: Financial Independence Retire Early

Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, recently announced her resignation due to feeling "too worn out" to continue leading the country. Ardern has been in office for six years and has faced a number of challenges during her tenure, including natural disasters, the COVID-19 pandemic, and the country's worst-ever terror attack. Her decision to step down highlights the importance of self-care and taking time to recharge one's batteries, which is a principle that aligns with the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement.

The FIRE movement emphasizes saving and investing a high percentage of one's income in order to achieve financial independence and the ability to retire early. The goal is to reach a point where one's passive income from investments is sufficient to cover their living expenses, allowing them to leave paid employment before the typical retirement age. This is typically achieved through a combination of aggressive saving, low-cost living, and investing in a diversified portfolio of assets such as stocks, bonds, and real estate.

Ardern's decision to step down despite still being relatively young and having a successful career highlights the importance of not just financial independence but also the independence of time. The FIRE movement not only focuses on achieving financial freedom but also on having the freedom to choose how to spend one's time, whether that be traveling, pursuing a passion or simply taking time off to recharge. It's a reminder that even though we might have achieved financial success, it's also important to take care of our well-being and mental health.

Friday, January 6, 2023

Dividends for Dec 2022 [Financial Independence]

 Here are my dividends for Dec 2022:

So I collected $1926.16 in dividends for Dec 2022. 

In case you are wondering, some stocks are repeated because I have 2 brokerage accounts. 

Here are my monthly dividends over the last 4 years:

Here are the dividends I collected every year until the current day:

Let me know if anything else you want to know about my dividends?
