Friday, October 25, 2019

Portfolio Snapshot - Breakeven Price Oct 2019

Here's another snapshot of my portfolio based on breakeven price:

The column 'price' indicates the current price of the stock.

The column 'breakeven_price' indicates the breakeven price of the stock with dividends and stocks from distribution reinvestment plan included. As long as the price of stock is above the breakeven price, I can sell the stock for a profit.

The column 'breakeven_price_status' indicates if the stock price is above the breakeven price.

Portfolio Snapshot - CAGR Oct 2019

Here's a snapshot of my current portfolio:

The column 'cagr' represents the compound annual growth rate of that stock.

The column 'cagr_inc_div_drp' shows the compound annual growth rate including dividends paid out and additional stocks obtained through distribution reinvestment plans.

The column 'cagr_benchmark' shows the compound annual growth rate of the benchmark. The benchmark is the SPDR STI ETF, stock code 'ES3'.

The column 'cagr_benchmark_status' shows yes if we beat the benchmark. The more 'Yes' the better.

The column 'returns_one_year' shows the returns in the past one year.

The columns 'cagr', 'cagr_inc_div_drp', 'cagr_benchmark', 'returns_one_year' are shown in percentages.