Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Financial Snapshot - Dec 2020

 This is a snapshot of my finances at the end of 2020.

Naturally, I do not want to disclose too many details or my net worth, the amount I have in banks, etc. so I will just share the following:

Year endingStocksBonds

Not included in the above are bank savings, insurance policies, CPF, SRS, etc. The above is just the amount of stocks and cash in my 2 stock brokerage accounts, the stocks in my BCIP and SRS account, and the bonds I am holding at the moment. Since starting work in the US from Oct 2017 onwards, I also added my 401K and Wealthfront investments to the above.

Tuesday, December 29, 2020


 I have finally achieved FI at the age of 39 years and 5 months, even before my target of 40. 

I have started this journey way back around 2015, where I realized I do not want to work for the sake of money, but I should work because I want to work. 

So I think my US shares rose dramatically in the last couple of months, which is why I achieved FI earlier than expected.

So I think I should start enjoying my work now... and think of my next life goal...hmm...

Monday, December 28, 2020

Portfolio Snapshot - Dec 2020

 Singapore portfolio:

One-fourth portfolio:

USA portfolio:

Ok, our portfolios have more or less recovered, so this will be the last of such Portfolio Snapshot posts. 

Saturday, November 28, 2020

Portfolio Snapshot - Passive Income

 Sharing my passive income for year 2020:

It took 5 years to increase my passive income by 3x. 

Portfolio Snapshot - Nov 2020

Generally breakouts in all portfolios. We enjoy the small victories.

 Singapore Portfolio:

Singapore one-fourth portfolio:

USA portfolio:

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Portfolio Snapshot - Breakeven Price Oct 2020

 Here's another snapshot of my portfolio based on breakeven price:

The column 'price' indicates the current price of the stock.

The column 'breakeven_price' indicates the breakeven price of the stock with dividends and stocks from distribution reinvestment plan included. As long as the price of stock is above the breakeven price, I can sell the stock for a profit.

The column 'breakeven_price_status' indicates if the stock price is above the breakeven price.

Portfolio Snapshot - CAGR Oct 2020

 Here's a snapshot of my current portfolio:

The column 'cagr' represents the compound annual growth rate of that stock.

The column 'cagr_inc_div_drp' shows the compound annual growth rate including dividends paid out and additional stocks obtained through distribution reinvestment plans.

The column 'cagr_benchmark' shows the compound annual growth rate of the benchmark. The benchmark is the SPDR STI ETF, stock code 'ES3'.

The column 'cagr_benchmark_status' shows yes if we beat the benchmark. The more 'Yes' the better. Not very impressive here, mainly due to the effects of the covid-19.

The column 'returns_one_year' shows the returns in the past one year. All negative, which is not surprising, due to covid-19.

The columns 'cagr', 'cagr_inc_div_drp', 'cagr_benchmark', 'returns_one_year' are shown in percentages.

Saturday, October 24, 2020

Friday, September 18, 2020

Friday, August 21, 2020

Thursday, June 25, 2020

Portfolio allocation - Jun 2020

YearStocks + REITs - SingaporeStocks + REITs - USStocks + REITs - DevelopedStocks + REITs - EmergingBondsCash

Overweight on Stocks + REITs - US. Cash allocation has continued to come down this year, which is good.

Will slowly reduce my allocation in US stocks over time. 

Will slowly tune this, and update every year in June.

Note to myself: 'Stocks + REITS - US' includes the REITS in Wealthfront. 

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Retirement Calculator Snapshot - Jun 2020

I did a re-calculation of my retirement calculator:

While my net worth has increased, there are still 11.25 months to my FI.

The last time I did this calculation was back in Jan 2020 earlier this year and it was 0.63 years/8 months away. This is an increase because there have been some adjustments to my expenses, such as adding in the endowment policy for my second child. Also, I adjusted the monthly dining+entertainment expense from 200 to 500 to be more realistic.

I guess no choice but to simply trudge on...

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Portfolio Snapshot - March of the Covid19 - 13 Jun 2020

Singapore portfolio:

One-fourth portfolio:

USA portfolio (profits are greater then pre-covid19 times):

Friday, June 5, 2020

My Moves during Covid19 and the Returns Now

Like I said earlier I made a few moves during the pandemic. Out of the 18 moves I made, 17 made money. You may notice some stocks are repeated. That's because I bought them at different times.

SGP stocks (total 17.09% returns):

USA stocks (total 41.07% returns):

Friday, May 15, 2020

Portfolio snapshot - March of the Covid19 - 16 May 2020

My portfolio snapshots. USA portfolio has recovered back to pre-covid19 levels.

Singapore portfolio:

One-fourth portfolio:

USA portfolio: