Friday, June 21, 2024

Portfolio Returns for Jun 2024 - Holding the Course

I felt it would be good to track the returns regularly since they fluctuate occasionally depending on the stock market.

Here are the movements for this month. USA and SPY funds provide the strongest returns as usual.


For the Robo-Advisors, most reached all-time highs. Syfe Reit unfortunately crashed again.


Additionally, I think it will be interesting to see the breakdown of my portfolios in percentages (below). There is a component 'X' which I do not want to disclose for now. The concentration of 'X' over the last month has dropped from 15.8% to now 15.6% but is still too high. 


Market events over the last month: 

Fed maintains interest rates and sees only one rate cut (drop from three earlier) in 2024. This is despite an acknowledgment of "modest further progress" towards its 2 per cent inflation target. 

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