Thursday, September 5, 2024

Wrapping up my 15th month of Financial Independence

I just finished my 15th month of FI (Financial Independence) in Aug 2024.

Below is what I ate and did for fun, and a record of my expenses.


Nasi Goreng.

First time making quiche. Surprising simple. First, put egg.

Next, add tomatoes and onion.

Add spinach.

Add mozzarella cheese and bake.

Quiche with salad.

Another quiche.


My usual home-cooked egg wrap.


Nothing much this month. Just went to the National Day carnival and harvested my Kailan. 


In terms of expenses, did well this month. 
Eating Out Target: $650
Eating Out Actual: $669.30 (some eating)

Household Target: $600
Household Actual: $189.63

Travel Target: $100
Travel Actual: $24

Entertainment Target: $50
Entertainment Actual: $43.53 

Personal Target: $250
Personal Actual: $83.25

Onwards to the next month of FI!     

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