Friday, May 17, 2024

Wrapping up my Eleventh Month of Financial Independence

I just finished my eleventh month of FI (Financial Independence) in Apr 2024.

Below is what I ate and did for fun, and a record of my expenses.


Kampong Nasi Goreng


Harvested Chinese Mustard

Harvested Spinach

Harvested Bayam

Sun-facing side of Spinach before it was harvested


I got some comments that with old age, unexpected medicine bills will occur e.g. knee replacement and so on. To minimize these probabilities, I am going to start exercising more while still in my early 40s. 

On alternate days I will do the 2 sets of exercises below:

Set A:
  • 1min dead hang
  • 1 min plank
  • 25 secs side planks
  • 10 leg raise
  • 10 knee raise
  • 10 leg raise
  • 10 knee raise
  • 5 side and leg raise
  • L hang till drop
Set B:

  • stretching
  • 10 tricep pushups
  • 10 diamond pushups
  • 10 spider pushups
  • 10 ab pushups
  • 10 simple leg lifts on each side
  • 10 compact leg lifts
  • 10 shoulder lifts on each side
Additionally, I used to only exercise jog once a week on Wed. Now I jog on both Wed and Sat morning. I also go swimming around once a week probably Friday or Sunday.

After starting these exercises, I feel fitter and my right knee pain is not as pain as before. My tummy is also not as big as before 😀😁

I plan to keep going for 6 months and note the difference.


In terms of expenses, I busted some budgets this month but still manageable. 
Eating Out Target: $650
Eating Out Actual: $529.58

Household Target: $600
Household Actual: $168.08

Travel Target: $100
Travel Actual: $10.60

Entertainment Target: $50
Entertainment Actual: $118.45 (rock climbing package for me and my 2 kids)

Personal Target: $250
Personal Actual: $118.74

Onwards to the next month of FI! 

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